The story revolves around the modern Taoist priest Xie Luo, who learned the supreme book of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth from Wudang Mountain when he was young. He was the best among the younger generation in the five major Taoist sects of Wudang, Quanzhen, Maoshan, Longhushan, and Shushan, and was elected as the contemporary Taoist master. Xie Luo’s traces are all over the country, such as the trip to the northern border and the trip to Japan, facing various evil forces, including practitioners who have fallen into evil ways and mysterious sorcerers. In the confrontation with various forces, Xie Luo showed super strength, such as using the Golden Sky Eight Extremes Formation, Heavenly Thunder and Earth Fire and other spells, and also experienced auction bidding confrontations and deep penetration into the enemy’s nest. It also involves Xie Luo’s life secrets, emotional entanglements, etc., and the plot related to his mother gradually surfaced.
The Grandmaster Descends the Mountain
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Status: Ongoing Type: ONA Episodes: 30
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